

        集团青年教师刘娣副研究员近期与导师余钟波教授,吕海深教授,联合美国克莱姆森大学Ashok K. Mishra教授在多源数据同化技术开发及应用研究中取得新进展,将机器学习双向数据同化技术应用至地下水水位变化中长期动态预测中。相关研究以题为“Support vector machine and data assimilation framework for Groundwater Level Forecasting using GRACE satellite data”发表在Journal of Hydrology学术期刊上。该文是刘娣博士在多源数据同化技术开发及应用领域中继“Performance of AMSR_E soil moisture data assimilation in CLM4. 5 model for monitoring hydrologic fluxes at global scale”、“Performance of SMAP, AMSR-E and LAI for weekly agricultural drought forecasting over continental United States”、“Evaluating uncertainties in multi-layer soil moisture estimation with support vector machines and ensemble Kalman filtering”、“A multi-layer soil moisture data assimilation using support vector machines and ensemble particle filter”,在Journal of Hydrology上发表的第五篇系列研究论文。

        地下水埋藏于地下,岩层结构复杂,影响因素多变,给地下水动态研究带来困难。基于物理模型的数值模拟算法和基于数据驱动的机器学习算法是目前地下水动态变化研究的主要方法。物理模型概念清晰,但需要较多的水文地质参数,这些参数在实际中难以准确的获得。机器学习方法,如人工神经网络、小波分析、支持向量机模型,由于不需要各类物理参数,在地下水水位预测等研究中应用广泛。该项研究基于支持向量机双向数据同化模型(1),采用有限气象站点观测数据(降水、气温、太阳辐射、地表温度),融合GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) 重力卫星遥感地表水储量和GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation System) 数据作为驱动要素,对美国东北部46口地下水水位观测井(2)次一月至三月地下水水位变化进行预测。研究结果表明,融合GRACEGLDAS数据产品,可以有效提高机器学习效率,提高地下水水位变化中长期预报能力,而双向数据同化技术优于单向数据同化。该项研究进一步证实了多源数据同化技术在复杂水文要素模拟预测中的有效性。相关研究为认知复杂区域地下水水位的动态变化,应对气候变化下地下水水资源的优化配置提供科技支撑。

1:支持向量机SVM 和支持向量机双向数据同化SVM-DA模型示意图。

2: 研究区域地下水水位观测井及气象观测站地理分布。


(1) Liu Di, Ashok K. Mishra, ZhongboYu *, Haishen Lü, Yajie Li. Groundwater level forecasting using GRACE data based on support vector machine and data assimilation. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603: 126929. (SCI, IF: 5.722) WOS000706313000095

(2) Liu, Di, Mishra, Ashok K., Performance of AMSR_E soil moisture data assimilation in CLM4. 5 model for monitoring hydrologic fluxes at global scaleJournal of Hydrology, 2017 Apr, 547: 67~79. Doi: (SCI, IF: 5.722) WOS:000398871100006

(3) Liu, Di, Mishra, Ashok K., Zhongbo Yu, Chuanguo Yang, Goutam Konapala, and Tue Vu, Performance of SMAP, AMSR-E and LAI for weekly agricultural drought forecasting over continental United States,Journal of Hydrology, 2017 Oct, 553: 88~104. Doi: (SCI, IF: 5.722) WOS:000412612700008

(4) Liu, Di, Mishra, Ashok K., Yu, Zhongbo, Evaluating uncertainties in multi-layer soil moisture estimation with support vector machines and ensemble Kalman filteringJournal of Hydrology, 2016 Jul, 538: 243~255. Doi: (SCI, IF: 5.722) WOS:000378360600021

(5) Yu, Zhongbo, Liu, Di, Lü, Haishen, Fu, Xiaolei, Xiang, Long, Zhu, Yonghua, A multi-layer soil moisture data assimilation using support vector machines and ensemble particle filterJournal of Hydrology, 2012 Dec 19, 475: 53~64. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.08.034. (SCI, IF5.722) WOS:000313864200005


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