





















1. 工业废水资源化与处理技术

2. 城镇污水脱氨除磷技术

3. 环境应急技术







1.         中国城镇卫生学会城镇垃圾治理专业委员会副主任委员

2.         中国石油学会石油环保专业委员会副秘书长

3.         中国环境科学学会高级会员



1.         国家生态环境保护专业技术青年拔尖人才,2021

2.         中国发明协会发明创业二等奖(2/5),2021

3.         中国产学研协合作促进会产学研合作创新奖,2022




1.         Changyong Wu, Yuexi Zhou, Liya Fu. Supported two-component metal oxide catalyst for advanced treatment of petrochemical wastewater and method. 美国发明专利,专利号:US 11666892B2

2.         吴昌永,付丽亚,李敏一种催化剂再生方法及应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0144384.9

3.         付丽亚,吴昌永,胡映明,宋玉栋,王辉一种嵌入式臭氧催化氧化装置及方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 1278204. 2

4.         付丽亚,吴昌永,齐月一种利用石化剩余污泥制备污泥基催化剂的方法及应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 1554359.4

5.         吴昌永,徐敏,席宏波,于茵基于Fenton铁泥再生的废水处理系统及处理方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2023 1 0695210.6

6.         吴昌永,王盼新,马军一种去除水体重金属和或砷的方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 1058511.X

7.         王月,吴昌永,闵超,安达,王劢博,王颖一种井工煤矿开采环境风险预测分级方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2020 1 0692934.1

8.         王月,吴昌永,杨天学,李鸣晓,席北斗,李东阳,王颖一种生态脆弱区域多源固废安全处置体系建立方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2020 1 0692939.4

9.         吴昌永,付丽亚,王盼新一种共混合-浸渍联合发制备多金属臭氧催化剂的方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0511861.0

10.     吴昌永,付丽亚,王辉一种强化非均相催化臭氧氧化处理石化废水的方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0536051.0

11.     吴昌永,付丽亚,王辉.一种基于非均相催化臭氧氧化的石化废水处理方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0536707.9

12.     吴昌永,周岳溪,郭明昆一种耦合式废水处理装置及石化二级出水的处理方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2016 1 0352620.0

13.     吴昌永,宋玉栋,付丽亚,胡映明,曾庆磊模块化旁路事故污水应急处置系统实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2022 2 1186261.3

14.     吴昌永,王盼新一种臭氧催化氧化反应器和臭氧催化氧化反应系统实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2022 2 0372733.8

15.     王月,吴昌永,王颖,李娟,朱建超一种地下水波动土体中挥发性污染物运移模拟装置,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 2020 2 1548933.1

16.     吴昌永,周岳溪,郭明昆,一种耦合式废水处理装置及石化二级出水的处理方法,中国,ZL 2016 1 0352620. 0

17.     吴昌永,周岳溪,王翼,郭明昆,除磷曝气生物滤池-臭氧催化氧化耦合装置及其使用方法,中国,ZL 2015 1 0172367.6

18.     吴昌永,周岳溪,徐敏,一种氧化型聚硅酸铝铁混凝剂的制备方法,中国,ZL 2013 1 0451352.4

19.     吴昌永,周岳溪,一种双段臭氧-曝气生物滤池组合处理工业废水的方法,中国,ZL 2014 1 0232092.6

20.     周岳溪,吴昌永,一种石化综合废水处理装置及石化综合废水处理方法,中国,ZL 2015 1 0707712.1

21.     周岳溪,吴昌永,丁岩,一种一体式废水处理装置及石化二级出水处理方法,中国,ZL 2015 1 0708367.3

22.     彭永臻,吴昌永,王淑莹,王然登,李晓玲,一种用于污水处理的AOA连续流生物脱氮除磷工艺,中国,ZL 2010 1 0593502.1

23.     彭永臻,吴昌永,王然登,李晓玲,王淑莹,实时控制分段投加亚硝酸盐进行反硝化除磷的方法,中国,ZL 2010 1 0563964.9

24.     付丽亚,吴昌永三维荧光光谱区域积分分析软件V1.0,  2020SR0335200

25.     吴昌永,付丽亚基于废水水质的臭氧催化剂设计平台软件V1.0, 2021SR1126301

26.     宋玉栋,吴昌永,徐敏,黄琪,付丽亚河流溢油应急资源需求预测与优化调度方案构建系统V1.0,2023SR0661667



1.         Changyong Wu, Yuexi Zhou, Siyu Zhang, Min Xu, Jiamei Song. The effect of toxic carbon source on the reaction of activated sludge in the batch reactor. Chemosphere, 2018(第一作者)

2.         Changyong Wu, Yanan Li, Yuexi Zhou, Zhimin Li, Siyu Zhang, Hengming Liu. Upgrading the Chinese biggest petrochemical wastewater treatment plant,  Technologies research and full scale application. Science of the Total Environment, 2018(第一作者)

3.         Changyong Wu, Yuexi Zhou, Xiumei Sun, Liya Fu. The recent development of advanced wastewater treatment by ozone and biological aerated filter. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018(第一作者)

4.         Min Xu, Changyong Wu*, Yanan Li, Yuexi Zhou, Hao Xue, Yin Yu. Coagulation behavior and floc properties of dosing different alkaline neutralizers into the fenton oxidation effluent. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2018(通讯作者)

5.         Siyu Zhang, Changyong Wu*, Yuexi Zhou, Yaning Wang, Xuwen He. Effect of wastewater particles on catalytic ozonation in the advanced treatment of petrochemical secondary effluent. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018(通讯作者)

6.         Xiumei Sun, Changyong Wu*, Yuexi Zhou, et al. Using DOM fraction method to investigate the mechanism of catalytic ozonation for real wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019 (通讯作者)

7.         Liya Fu, Changyong Wu*, Yuexi Zhou, et al. Ozonation reactivity characteristics of dissolved organic matters by single ozone, ozone/H2O2 and ozone/catalyst. Chemosphere, 2019(通讯作者)

8.         Liya Fu, Changyong Wu*, Yuexi Zhou, Jian’e Zuo, Guangqing Song. Effects of residual ozone on the performance of microorganisms treating petrochemical wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019 (通讯作者)

9.         Liya Fu, Min Li, Changyong Wu*, Yuexi Zhou. Characterization of ozone dosage reduction mechanism in catalytic ozonation process coupled with coagulation and flocculationSeparation and Purification Technology2021 (通讯作者)

10.     Liya Fu, Changyong Wu*, Jiane Zuo, Yuexi Zhou, Jin Yang. Residual ozone on microorganisms enhanced organics removal and shaped microbial community, Chemosphere, Chemosphere, 2021 (通讯作者)

11.     Xiaoguang Jin, Changyong Wu*, Xiangmiao Tian, Panxin Wang, Yuexi Zhou*, Jiane Zuo*. A magnetic-void-porous MnFe2O4/carbon microspheres nano-catalyst for catalytic ozonation,  Preparation, performance and mechanism, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology2021 (通讯作者)

12.     王月王劢博杨悦吴昌永*, 席北斗王颖李东阳西北生态脆弱区城市生活垃圾处理厂适用性评价中国环境科学, 2021 (通讯作者)

13.     谭煜付丽亚周鉴李敏吴昌永*. 胞外聚合物(EPS)对污水处理影响的研究进展环境工程技术学报. 2021 (通讯作者)

14.     李敏付丽亚谭煜赵檬周岳溪吴昌永*. Mn-Ce/γ-Al2O3催化臭氧氧化深度处理石化废水中试研究环境科学研究, 2021 (通讯作者)

15.     Min Li, Liya Fu, Meng Zhao, Lujie Liu, Yuexi Zhou, Yin Yu, Changyong Wu*. Potential of the colloidal removal from petrochemical secondary effluent by coagulation-flocculation coupled with persulfate process. Environmental Science,  Water Research & Technology, 2022(通讯作者)

16.     Changyong Wu, Liya Fu, Huiqi Li, Xiang Liu, Chunli Wan*. Using Biochar to strengthen the removal of antibiotic resistance genes: Performance and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment. 2021 (第一作者)

17.     李敏付丽亚谭煜赵檬周岳溪吴昌永*. Mn-Ce/γ-Al2O3催化臭氧氧化深度处理石化废水中试研究环境科学研究,2021(通讯作者)

18.     Changyong Wu, Liya Fu, Yue Wang, Chunli Wan*. Real-time changes of the adsorption process and conformation of marine dissolved organic matters on the solid-liquid interface. Chemosphere, 2022(第一作者)

19.     Changyong Wu, Rui Tang, Huiqi Li, Xiang Liu, Liya Fu, Yin Yu, Chunli Wan*. Interaction between organic matter and tetracycline in river sediments in cold regions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022 (第一作者)

20.     Chunli Wan, Aoxuan Qu, Min Li, Rui Tang, Liya Fu, Xiang Liu, Panxin Wang, Changyong Wu*. Electrochemical sensor for directional recognition and measurement of antibiotic resistance genes in water. Analytical Chemistry, 2022 (通讯作者)

21.     付丽亚,宋玉栋,王盼新,赵檬,黄琪,席宏波,于茵,吴昌永*.突发环境事件中典型水污染物应急去除技术及案例环境工程技术学报,2022 (通讯作者)

22.     Liyan Deng, Wanqing Ren, Min Li, Changyong Wu*, Aoxuan Qu, Chunli Wan. Photoelectrochemical and energy storage properties for metal sulfides regulated by biomineralization of sulfate reducing bacteria. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022(通讯作者)

23.     Xiaoguang Jin, Min Li, Liya Fu, Changyong Wu*, Xiangmiao Tian, Panxin Wang, Yuexi Zhou, Jiane Zuo. A thorough observation of an ozonation catalyst under long-term practical operation: Deactivation mechanism and regeneration. Science of the Total Environment. 2022 (通讯作者)

24.     Yang Yang, Yin Yu, Hongbo Xi, Yuexi Zhou, Chunrong Wang, Changyong Wu*, Zhuowei Zhang, Zhenzhen Guo. Effect of carbon source conditions on response of nitrifying sludge to 3,5-dichlorophenol. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022(通讯作者)

25.     Jin Yang, Xiaoguang Jin, Liya Fu, Changyong Wu*, Qibao Wang. Efect of extrusionspheronization granulation and manganese loading on catalytic ozonation of petrochemical wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022(通讯作者)

26.     Chunli Wan*, Aoxuan Qu, Liyan Deng, Xiang Liu, Changyong Wu*. Preparation of an electrochemical biosensor based on indium tin oxide and its performance in detecting antibiotic resistance genes. Microchemical Journal, 2022(通讯作者)

27.     Chunli Wan, Liya Fu, Zhengwen Li, Xiang Liu*, Lin Lin, Changyong Wu*. Formation, application, and storage-reactivation of aerobic granular sludge: A review. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022(通讯作者)

28.     Liyan Deng, Changyong Wu*, Liya Fu, Yue Wang, Qin An, Guangming Liu, Chunli Wan*. Preparation of biochar and its adsorbing performance evaluation in the petroleum hydrocarbon. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2022(通讯作者)

29.     李敏付丽亚谭煜周岳溪吴昌永*. 臭氧催化氧化在工业废水处理中的应用进展工业水处理, 2022 (通讯作者)

30.     付丽亚宋玉栋王盼新赵檬黄琪席宏波于茵吴昌永*. 突发环境事件中典型水污染物应急去除技术及案例环境工程技术学报. 2022 (通讯作者)

31.     胡映明王盼新付丽亚袁月吴昌永*. 不同制备方法对铝基催化剂臭氧催化氧化的效果研究环境科学研究. 2022 (通讯作者)

32.     王盼新宋玉栋吴昌永*, 袁月黄琪付丽亚毛率先关于突发水污染事件应急处置技术需求的几点思考环境工程技术学报. 2022 (通讯作者)

33.     Xiaoguang Jin, Changyong Wu*, Liya Fu, Xiangmiao Tian, Panxin Wang, Yuexi Zhou*, Jiane Zuo*. Development, dilemma and potential strategies for the application of nanocatalysts in wastewater catalytic ozonation: A review. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2023 (通讯作者)

34.     Chunli Wan, Zhengwen Li, Liyan Deng, Yue Yuan, Changyong Wu*. Microbial population properties in the hierarchically structured aerobic granular sludge: Phenotype and genotype. Science of the Total Environment 2023(通讯作者)

35.     Min Li, Liya Fu, Liyan Deng, Yingming Hu, Yue Yuan, Changyong Wu*. A tailored and rapid approach for ozonation catalyst design. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2023 (通讯作者)

36.     Xiaoguang Jin, Zhang Wu, Chunli Wan, Jiane Zuo, Yuexi Zhou, Xiangmiao Tian, Panxin Wang, Chuanzhi Sun, Changyong Wu*. Magnetic nano-size normal spinel-ZnFe2O4 and inverse spinel-MnFe2O4 for catalytic ozonation: Performance and mechanism. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023 (通讯作者)

37.     Liyan Deng, Hongbo Xi, Chunli Wan, Liya Fu, Yue Wang, Changyong Wu*. Is the petrochemical industry an overlooked critical source of environmental microplastics? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023 (通讯作者)

38.     Chunli Wan, Aoxuan Qu, Liyan Deng, Xiang Liu, Changyong Wu*. Preparation of electrochemical sensor based on glassy carbon electrode and its specificity and sensitivity for directional detection of antibiotic resistance genes spreading in the water environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023 (通讯作者)

39.     赵檬王盼新宁超吴昌永*. 内循环流化床臭氧催化氧化处理石化废水二级出水中国给水排水. 2023 (通讯作者)

40.     Yingming Hu, Panxin Wang, Yin Yu, Min Li, Hongbo Xi, Liya Fu, Changyong Wu*. Aluminum-based ozone catalysts prepared by mixing method: Characteristics, performance and carbon emissions. Chemosphere 2023(通讯作者)

41.     Liyan Deng, Yue Yuan, Hongbo Xi, Chunli Wan, Yin Yu, Changong Wu*. The destiny of microplastics in one typical petrochemical wastewater. Science of the Total Environment. 2023(通讯作者)

42.     Chunli Wan, Rui Tang, Liyan Deng, Liya Fu, Panxin Wang, Xiang Liu, Changyong Wu*. Illustration on phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of typical multi-antibiotic resistant bacteria in aquatic environments through complete genomes and comparative genomics. Chemosphere 2023(通讯作者)

43.     Liya Fu, Panxin Wang, Changyong Wu*, Yuexi Zhou, Yudong Song, Shujin Guo, Zhimin Li, Jian Zhou. Upgrade of the biggest catalytic ozonation wastewater treatment plant in China: From pollution control to carbon reduction. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023(通讯作者)



1.             周岳溪,吴昌永,付丽亚石化综合污水处理技术与应用,科学出版社,2023

2.             周岳溪,宋玉栋,吴昌永,等.石化行业水污染全过程控制技术发展蓝皮书,中国环境出版集团,2021

3.             Changyong Wu. Biological Nutrients Removal in the Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic Wastewater Treatment Process. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,2021

4.             Changyong Wu, Min Xu, Yuexizhou, Chapter of The Effect of Toxic Carbon Sources on the Reaction Process of Activated Sludge in Book of The Activated Sludge Process: Methods and Recent Developments. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.,2019

5.             周岳溪,吴昌永,伏小勇,赵保卫石油炼制与天然气加工工业污染综合防治最佳可行技术,化学工业出版社,2016

6.             吴昌永,王然登,彭永臻污水处理颗粒污泥技术原理与应用,中国建筑工业出版社,2011

7.             温沁雪,陈志强,吴昌永废水处理生物膜,化学工业出版社, 2011




1.        企业委托技术开发项目,酱香型白酒生产废水关键污染物特征解析与处理工艺技术研究项目,2023/11-2026/11,主持

2.        国家长江中心研究项目,十堰市长江生态环境保护技术与方案研究,2019/7-2020/6,主持

3.        企业委托技术开发项目,臭氧催化氧化流化床装置及其催化剂研制,2022/4-2024/4,主持

4.        国家重点研发项目子任务,排水综合毒性鉴别研究, 2020/10-2023/9,主持

5.        中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项事故污水应急处置移动式平台建设, 2019/12-2020/12,主持

6.        环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室自由探索课题,典型石化二级出水深度处理工艺中特征有机物去除和归趋特性研究,2017/03-2018/12,主持

7.        十三五国家水专项子课题,石化园区污水处理厂运行优化与节能降耗技术及应用研究,2017/01-2020/06,主持

8.        十三五国家水专项课题,石化行业水污染全过程控制技术集成与工程实证,2017/01-2020/06,参与

9.        环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室自由探索课题,典型石化二级出水深度处理工艺中特征有机物去除和归趋特性研究,2016/03-2016/12,主持

10.    国家自然科学基金青年基金,典型有毒有机物对污水生物处理溶解性微生物产物的产生影响及作用机制,2013/01-2015/12,主持

11.    十二五国家水专项子课题,石化企业废水有机物强化深度去除关键技术与设备,2012/01-2015/12,主持






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